Wanaka Preschool Facts & Fees


Wanaka Preschool Facts & Fees


We encourage families to visit our centre prior to enrolment, if possible. Families are welcome to visit anytime from 9 am to 3 pm. An enrolment form can be completed at this time, or download a copy now. Once completed, the form can be returned to the office, mailed to 106 Tenby Street, Wānaka 9305, or scanned and emailed to [email protected]. Once the completed enrolment form is received, you will be notified whether the times you requested are available or placed on a waiting list.

Wanaka Preschool Facts & Fees

Prior to starting

  • We will need a copy of your child’s birth certificate or similar proof of birth.
  • We will need to sight immunisation records or informed if a child is not immunised.
  • 20 Hours ECE forms completed for 3 and 4 year olds.
  • If your child will be sleeping you must view the sleeping facilities and read the sleeping policy.
  • Inform us of any allergies, illnesses or restrictions your child might have.
Wanaka Preschool Facts & Fees


  • For 3, 4 and 5 year olds receiving 20 hours ECE (full days only with a minimum of 2 days): 2 days $40; 3 days $60; 4 days $100; 5 days $155.
  • For children from 1 year to 3 years old: 1 days $25; 2 days $50; 3 days $75; 4 days $110 and 5 days $155. Half day $20.
  • Session times are from 8:30 am to 12 noon or 12 noon to 3:30 pm or 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
  • Minimum attendance for children under 3; two sessions for the child’s settling and and to maximise their learning. For children receiving 20 Hours ECE we do have a minimum of 2 full days.
  • We operate 48 weeks, closed 4 weeks over Christmas.
  • We offer 20 Hours ECE with proof of birth and completed attestation.
    Accounts are either emailed or placed in child’s pocket fortnightly. Families are encouraged to set up automatic payments or direct debits through the internet or bank.
  • Bank details: Wānaka Preschool at ANZ Bank 06 0943 0075411 00.
  • Depending on your family circumstances you may qualify for a subsidy from Work and Income, refer to their website www.workandincome.govt.nz.
Wanaka Preschool Facts & Fees


  • It is important to notify the Preschool of any absence as soon as possible.
  • When a child is absent for more than three consecutive weeks, due to Ministry of Education requirements, they must be removed from the roll.
  • No fees will be charged for public holidays that fall during term-time, term-breaks or any other forced full day closures.

Child Protection

Wanaka Preschool is committed to helping build a strong culture of child protection across Aotearoa New Zealand. The safety of the child is paramount and the trust our families and the community places in us to protect them. Our Child Protection Policy is to support our staff to respond appropriately to concerns regarding the well being of any child in our care. This policy applies to all adults who come into contact with the children while in the care of Wanaka Preschool, including visitors. All staff will undergo a 7 point security check including police vet.

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Wanaka Pre-School